The BIASDISTCARTESIAN field specifier allows you to boost the score of any document according to its distance from a specified point using Cartesian coordinates (X/Y).

TIP: If your document location field contains any shape other than a point, IDOL calculates distances from the geometric center of the shape.


coordX The specified x coordinate.
coordY The specified y coordinate.
range The maximum distance from the specified coordinates, in the same units as used in your document field.
maxboost The maximum percentage to boost the result.

The document field or fields that contain the location value. You can use one of the following options to specify location fields:

  • a single field. This field must contain a supported well-known text geometric object. See Supported Well-Known Text Geometric Objects. This field must be a unified GeospatialType field.
  • two fields, in the format X:Y, where X is the field that contains the x coordinate, and Y is the field that contains the y coordinate. You must specify the fields in the order x:y. The fields must be NumericType or GeospatialType.



In these examples, all documents whose (X/Y) position is within a distance of 5 units of the point (10,11) are given a relevance boost. The maximum boost of 7 percent is given to documents at the given point. The boost decreases linearly down to 0 boost at 5 units.

In the first example, the location data is stored in two document fields, X and Y. In the second example, the location data is stored in a single POSITION field.